Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Maniacal Cormorant!

Maniacal indeed! Source.

La Jolla Shores
Temp: 51 at depth
Viz: 18’ hazy everywhere


Total absolute critter thrill today.
Lots of active small Octopi were out, really stretching out their tentacles. While videoing, I sensed something staring at me…I looked to my left again, and there it was. A beautiful juvie Wolf Eel, just sitting there, out in the open, on the slope. It must have just come from around the point as there was nothing there a minute ago. 
I moseyed over, so thrilled. There I floated, peacefully watching it, watching me.

Suddenly over my right shoulder, squeezing between me and the wall, a maniacal Cormorant attacked the poor Eel, who, in a split second recoiled, and fled the other way. The Cormorant gave chase, grabbing it a few times. They went around the point, up the wall, and then over the flats. The Eel sped off into the kelp/rocks on the other side of ledge, while the nutty bird stopped to pick at something in the sand. 

It then turned its efforts on me; initially I couldn’t see it – what with all the stuff attached to me - but I could feel its pointy beak poking my legs. Then the bird foraged spastically on the slope, grabbed a fish, and as it darted up for the surface, it grabbed a Sea Star, but let it go, and I watched it cartwheel back down the wall. Kinda comical. I’m glad no one was around, as I may have done quite the happy dance…but then mixed emotions, as I would have liked to spend some more time with the elusive Eel – at least it didn’t seem hurt as it swam off. 

What a scene. What a thrill. 
A great critter dive.

Very cool!
Story here.

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