I've got to hand it to Patric, he's a brave man!
He just wrote a post that will put him in no end of trouble with many of his peers and probably, with a good part of the principal Shark media as well.
Contrary to us here, he's completely immersed in the Shark Diving Industry and I'm sure that he must have spent quite a few anxious moments pondering what effect this would have on the businesses he operates, Shark Diver and Shark Divers.
I first noticed his Blog when the Groh accident exploded in the media and although my call on the matter was somewhat different, he earned my respect and my admiration for always trying to look beyond the mere daily occurrences, for putting things into perspective and for saying it as it is, without regard for anything and anybody but the plain truth as he sees it.
Once again, he does not disappoint.
Regular readers of this Blog have noticed that we often reference each other and mostly agree about our call on the Industry.
Yes much of what we say may be controversial and even confrontational, as we don't shy away from pointing the finger at what we perceive to be developments, and people that are detrimental to the Industry as a whole and to us as a consequence.
The way I see it, it's part of a robust dialogue in an Industry that will eventually have no choice but to self-regulate in the same way the Diving Industry has already managed to do.
The alternative to that would be having the Authorities slap on a set of regulations - and unfortunately, there are already plenty of examples of how that would look like: the closure of sites and the demise of the operators.
Especially in the USA!
With that in mind, I welcome the upcoming controversy.
Patric is of course spot on and 99.99% of the operators know that. But of course there's history, there are likes and dislikes, there's ego - and all of that is not conducive to having a dispassionate and constructive dialogue.
Yet I know that everybody will silently go over their books and ponder what is being said. Little as that may seem, it's the first step towards reforming the Industry that urgently needs to regroup and re-think the direction in which many have embarked.
This is now the watershed.
On one side, we can progress towards protocols aimed at operating sustainably, profitably and for many many years to come, for the enjoyment of our customers and for the benefit of the animals we love.
The other path will lead to our perdition.
It's really that simple.
Please read Patric's post.
He just wrote a post that will put him in no end of trouble with many of his peers and probably, with a good part of the principal Shark media as well.
Contrary to us here, he's completely immersed in the Shark Diving Industry and I'm sure that he must have spent quite a few anxious moments pondering what effect this would have on the businesses he operates, Shark Diver and Shark Divers.
I first noticed his Blog when the Groh accident exploded in the media and although my call on the matter was somewhat different, he earned my respect and my admiration for always trying to look beyond the mere daily occurrences, for putting things into perspective and for saying it as it is, without regard for anything and anybody but the plain truth as he sees it.
Once again, he does not disappoint.
Regular readers of this Blog have noticed that we often reference each other and mostly agree about our call on the Industry.
Yes much of what we say may be controversial and even confrontational, as we don't shy away from pointing the finger at what we perceive to be developments, and people that are detrimental to the Industry as a whole and to us as a consequence.
The way I see it, it's part of a robust dialogue in an Industry that will eventually have no choice but to self-regulate in the same way the Diving Industry has already managed to do.
The alternative to that would be having the Authorities slap on a set of regulations - and unfortunately, there are already plenty of examples of how that would look like: the closure of sites and the demise of the operators.
Especially in the USA!
With that in mind, I welcome the upcoming controversy.
Patric is of course spot on and 99.99% of the operators know that. But of course there's history, there are likes and dislikes, there's ego - and all of that is not conducive to having a dispassionate and constructive dialogue.
Yet I know that everybody will silently go over their books and ponder what is being said. Little as that may seem, it's the first step towards reforming the Industry that urgently needs to regroup and re-think the direction in which many have embarked.
This is now the watershed.
On one side, we can progress towards protocols aimed at operating sustainably, profitably and for many many years to come, for the enjoyment of our customers and for the benefit of the animals we love.
The other path will lead to our perdition.
It's really that simple.
Please read Patric's post.
There's only one kind of respect I have for others and that is "earned respect". Your blog and operation have earned my total respect - and today my gratitude.
Thanks for the suppport.
Totally reciprocated.
Thanks for speaking up and taking the risk!
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