Monday, February 27, 2012

The Great Fiji Shark Count - Nai'a!

Great news!
For those of you who are hooked on no-limit liveaboard diving, it will come as a relief that Nai'a have joined the list of participants in the Great Fiji Shark Count.

As an ex liveaboard aficionado myself, I highly recommend them.
In fact and keeping in mind that I'm now out of the loop and may be doing injustice to some of the newcomers, I personally rank Nai'a as one of the best liveaboards worldwide alongside the awesome Sea Hunter of Cocos and Malpelo fame. Both are simply perfect diving machines and both offer unparalleled hospitality by outstanding native crews, dive masters and cruise directors. And one thing's for sure: nobody else in Fiji will be able to take you to such a diverse array of remote and pristine sites, and this under such expert supervision!
But if you want to experience scores of humongous Sharks... :)

So, what are you waiting for!
Knowing them, April is likely to be already fully booked - but it's always worth asking, and then there's the next count in November!

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