Friday, July 08, 2011

Southern Bluefin - Critically Endangered?

Oh for crying out loud!!!
This has come as a complete surprise, at least to me!

Did you know?
Turns out that the Southern Bluefin of Tuna Cowboys fame is in even worse shape than his Northern relative! Which once again begs the question, what were those inept monkeys in Doha DOING - campaigning for the wrong species???
Those people should have known about the issue since at least 2005!

Quite frankly, I'm totally shocked.
Gotta do some digging and try and wrap my head around this utter and total conservation debacle.
More as a clearer picture emerges.


Horizon Charters Guadalupe Cage Diving said...

Ummm conservation triage?

Or limited conservation resources?

Mike, even I knew this, hence the bet, which I will double down on today if you're interested?

We will loose the Bluefin, it's written on the wall and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

Sorry about that, too many mouths, too much profit, too few likeable enforcement ideas and far too many tin pot govs involved in the fisheries management of this tasty critter.

If you want to get ahead of the game, document HOW this species is being lost and the losing playbook that is being employed to save the tuna.

You can run that when the next species goes out and hopefully get ahead of the curve.

In the U.S 60% of all fish consumed are now farmed, that number will be at 80% by 2030.

Food for thought.

DaShark said...

I know too little about the Southern Bluefin but YER ON about the Northern Bluefin!

I'm a big fan of Damanaki the European Fisheries Commissioner and I am hopeful that she'll eventually manage to clamp down on the shenanigans in the Med.

Plus, there's the western population where the USA and Canada are actually doing a good job in managing the stocks.

So let's continue to disagree & let's look forward to sharing two bottles of excellent wine - deadline?

Karlita said...

Sad but true - southern bluefin tuna has been overfished severely, and is now classified as critically endangered by the IUCN. The latest scientific assessment indicates that the population is down to an alarming 4.6% remaining. Yet the quota cuts being put in place are inadequate and New Zealand is even increasing its quota despite the dire state of the species.

The 2009 stock assessment is a long document, but key information is on page 21, with alarming graphs on page 22 and 26: