Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Privileged - and fishy?

It's all becoming very strange very fast.

Check out the analysis at the top.
The picture of the Shark chick's injury is unquestionably (!) a fake, with the two pairs of staples at the center clearly identical, and this down to the individual pixels - thread here.

And why am I not surprised.


WTS - What.The. Schtup? said...


Oh, THIS IS rich.

Have we finally reached the nadir of our completely fucked up "Selfie Shark Culture," or is this just one more rung down into the flaming bowels of shark conservation hell?

Look, when I saw this girl had done the following I KNEW she was a troubled lass who has seen far too many Julie Anderson Moldy Duck Wing videos to be credible:

1. Posted, then retracted, her Justin Bieber affair - but not before setting the internet on fire

2. Worked for Sea Shepherd a bastion of lying liars who lie even when the truth is starting them in the face - liars!

That wound looks a tad suspicious like pretty much all of Eric Chengs underwater images, aka photoshopped to a point of disbelief.

But I am willing to do the following if that images proves to be real.

1. Apologize to Eric Cheng

2. Go bet bitten by a shark as well so I can endure what that poor girl went through only to come out the other side with a cool perfectly photoshopped scar and a great story

Fortunately I have a feeling that neither action will be needed anytime soon.

Confused Confucius said...


We have elasmo-narcissists posing around sharks. We have elasmo-narcissists wanting to get bitten by sharks to rise above the others. We have the ones who did get bitten. And now we appear to have the ones faking having been bitten!!!

Ding! Ding! Ding! said...

Winner, winner, chicken dinner!

New Blog Term - Behold:


From the Wiki:

Elasmo - Narcissism is the pursuit of gratification from sharks, or egotistic admiration of one's own attributes and conservation efforts towards sharks, it derives from arrogant pride.

The term originated from the Greek mythology, where the young Narcissus fell in love with a shark and claimed to love it more than anyone else.

Elasmo Narcissism is a concept in psychoanalytic theory, introduced in Sigmund Freud's "On Shark and Things That Bite Narcissism".

Elasmo Narcissism is also considered a social or cultural problem. It is one of the three dark triadic personality traits (the others being psychopathy and Machiavellianism).

Except in the sense of primary narcissism or healthy self-love (and who doesn't like that?), narcissism is usually considered a problem in a person or group's relationships with self and others on Facebook and Twitter.

Elsmo Narcissism is not the same as Sea Shepherd Egocentrism.

Anonymous said...

LOL. This takes the fucking cake. Besides the obvious fake and the fact that the world has come to such a sorry state to where this is actually kinda normal I cite two quotes from this narcissistic moron that I think sum it up quite nicely:

2 years ago re: justin bieber and the distress it caused her...
"In one way maybe it helped me learn how to behave on the internet now that I do have such a large following."

2 weeks ago re: backpeddling from faking her shark attack story
"My first foray into the press with the intent of a pro-shark piece has unfortunately been a negative one. I do not have the life experience to have prepared me for the vulnerabilities associated with giving an interview[...]I regret posting that photo and now see how my social media behaviour can be appropriated elsewhere. This is a lesson I have learned, among others."

Keep on truckin girly

Unknown said...

I would appreciate (at the very least) being cited in this work.

My photographic analysis has now been attributed to this location rather than being properly accredited to myself or White Shark Advocacy/White Shark Interest Group. While you link the image back to the post, it would have been nice to have a decent citation prior to publishing in the media.

I'm not looking for limelight, but I sincerely take issue with others being credited for my work.

I request this either be rectified or the image removed entirely.

DaShark said...

Apologies Andrew.

It has been rectified.
I thought there was no need for a specific mention as I had linked the thread that contains the picture further down in the post - but obviously, that was not enough to avoid the confusion.

BTW good on 'ya for noticing it, it would have totally escaped me!

Beelzebub Flenge said...

Where the hell is Ralph Collier when you need him?

DaShark said...

EXCELLENT question!!!!