Saturday, August 11, 2012

Fiji - Divers with Gas Burns?

Maybe related to hookah diving?

I have absolutely no clue what this means.
But I'm certainly going to try & find out - keep watching this space for some likely highly bizarre explanation!


Horizon Charters Guadalupe Cage Diving said...

I am going with a compressor that is located right next to the diesel exhaust on the hookah boat.

Nothing like inhaling raw diesel fumes at 30 feet for 40 minutes, mmmm, that's tasty stuff.

Reminds me of my days in the Russian army as a tank driver, those were some fumes!

DaShark said...

My local dive guru says this is prob classic, refueling while compressor running...


Anonymous said...

This is "Snuba", Mike... Been around for a while (quite popular in Caribbean... Great way to take clumsy, untrained, unsupervised tourists and put them EVEN CLOSER to fragile corals and wildlife...

DaShark said...

Same principle, no?

Yeah, nothing beats overweight, clumsy, untrained, unsupervised tourists frolicking around among Acropora stands!