Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Flying Tooth!

Great (and lucky!) shot!
You must click for detail - see the tooth?

Story here.
This would be the first time I hear that somebody snapping away from a boat is called a daredevil - but then again, English is not my mother tongue!



The Sharkman said...

Nice photos. I wonder if the tooth was actually "Photoshoped". It seems a fraction too big. In this day and age, it is not easy to say. Some of the other photos seem to be "touched" too. If not, than I do apologise.

DaShark said...

I think it's genuine, see the next pic - the size, to me, looks right and you know how easy they lose their teeth.

Anonymous said...

Not a real seal you know...tooth is.

The Sharkman said...

OK allow me to play Devil's advocate for a minute.
Take a close look at the two close ups and magnified photos I sent you and tell me if there is a whitish line around the tooth.

In today's day and age, it is quite easy to fake something.

I guess we would never know...........

DaShark said...

Alex the image is back lit, even the shark has a lighter "rim" - I say, genuine.

The Sharkman said...

OK... you are the photographic expert not me.


DaShark said...


I'm an expert at nothing Alex, I just bloviate like e'body else...

Anonymous said...

im gonna have to also call photoshopped angles look wrong and the tooth its-self has a few different pixels on the top left tip.
i used Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3 using basic filters to look at the pic. just my 2 cents : (i hope im wrong)

david "sharkman" dawson