Sunday, December 25, 2011

Al Jazeera - Sharks and Tourism!

Best safety stop on the planet - Whitetip Reef Sharks @ 4m on the Fiji Shark Dive!

Different Shark Sanctuary, same story.
Sectors of the Honduran tourism industry are booming thanks to the Shark diving industry. This follows in the wake of news from Palau where the establishment of the world's first such Sanctuary is being credited with record tourist arrivals for 2011.

And Fiji?
The Shark diving industry's contribution to tourism is already remarkable and I have no doubt whatsoever that if one examined the value of Sharks for the whole of the Fijian economy (diving but also general tourism and ancillary sectors, fisheries, ecosystem services etc) , the figure would be even more impressive - and that once Fiji announces the Sanctuary, tourism arrivals will skyrocket even further as a consequence!


1 comment:

Tafa said...

Hi guys,

Sorry I've been out of loop for the past year, but its time to get bac in the water soon :)

Just wondering whats the latest on the Shark Sanctuary.

Hows the team at BAD?
