Saturday, March 16, 2013

Sharks Still Getting Screwed!

Read this!
Still think I'm the biggest cynic on the block?

And the reference to Fiji?
Worry not - we got ourselves a brand new gaggle of WARRIORS stomping around in the Sigatoka Dunes so everything is gonna be just fine!

Now, about those endangered Barnacles...


Horizon Charters Guadalupe Cage Diving said...

Hey did anyone check on those dead sharks backs for...tags? You know from California?

DaShark said...

Yup they did - and are now holding them for ransom!

Tropical Selkie said...

Massive budgets? Who has a massive budget and how do I get some of it? And two groups consistently fail in media outreach; conservationists and scientists. So if there really is some 'massive budget' out there, I agree, spend some of it on a top-notch publicist. But then again, when we do put a conservation 'spin' on things we get crucified from all sides. Hmmmm.

DaShark said...

How about just saying it as it is? :)

Tropical Selkie said...

Well, additionally, no one thinks that the conservation orgs and NGOs are now going to sit back and stop working on shark and manta conservation. There will be more headlines (good and bad) and we will respond, as necessary, I assume. The war isn't over, these are just victory cries about one major battle. Tomorrow is another day...(and, the press is almost impossible to control, especially when it comes to sharks. I've never tried to (nor do I ever want to) write a press release about a starlet's weight loss or boob job but I'm guessing the messaging is waaaay easier to communicate than the complexities of marine science and advocacy!)

Angelo Villagomez said...

Did I not cover that there is still much work to do in the Fiji Times this week?

DaShark said...

Still much work to do would be a gross understatement buddy!

Dunno if you've covered that.
The fact is that I've stopped bothering to read those articles - too many breathy statements and endless consultations that so far are not being matched by facts on the ground.

Angelo Villagomez said...

If you have stopped reading the articles it is only because you've developed an organ that allows you to absorb through osmosis all mentions of shark on the Internet immediately after they are published.

DaShark said...


Hey and what's that DOG in the thumbnail???
New family member?