Rusi has become even more famous!
After the airing of the first suite of pro-Shark clips on Fiji One, he's being called Fiji's own Shark Man - which he undoubtedly is! And I just know that the original Sharkman will approve.
We're in the lead-up to yet another brilliant piece of pro-Shark media by MaiTV, this time about the research within the reserve and our very recent expansion to investigate the Bull Shark nurseries in the rivers. I just had a look at the raw cut and as always, Jone Kalouniviti and Stan have produced a great feature that will undoubtedly appeal to the audience at large, by being both highly educative and entertaining.
It will air on Simpson@Seven this Sunday, followed by several re-runs next week.
Of course, we're flanking it with Rusis iconic clip.
It will be shown on Friday and Saturday during all programs from 6pm to 9:30pm and then prior to the proper show on Sunday. Really, it's gonna be shown so frequently that you can't possibly miss it!
Unless you happen not to be a MaiTV subscriber, that is.
So there: for the very few that do not want to - and for the many that would like to but cannot subscribe due to geographical limitations, like yours truly.
Our very own Shark Man in action!
Stan has come back from Vanuatu where having already bagged all of Fiji's journo awards, he has now repeated the feat Pacific-wide and barely missed becoming the president of the Pacific media association. And guess what: his last Shark feature was among the productions that contributed to that success!
It is indeed a remarkable piece and viewers have requested it time after time again, to the point that it has been successfully syndicated to New Zealand and California where there are large Fijian communities. Papa even had a relative call him from the Los Angeles whilst the show was running!
In case you don't know what I'm talking about and have missed it the first time around: first episode below, all others right here.
After the airing of the first suite of pro-Shark clips on Fiji One, he's being called Fiji's own Shark Man - which he undoubtedly is! And I just know that the original Sharkman will approve.
We're in the lead-up to yet another brilliant piece of pro-Shark media by MaiTV, this time about the research within the reserve and our very recent expansion to investigate the Bull Shark nurseries in the rivers. I just had a look at the raw cut and as always, Jone Kalouniviti and Stan have produced a great feature that will undoubtedly appeal to the audience at large, by being both highly educative and entertaining.
It will air on Simpson@Seven this Sunday, followed by several re-runs next week.
Of course, we're flanking it with Rusis iconic clip.
It will be shown on Friday and Saturday during all programs from 6pm to 9:30pm and then prior to the proper show on Sunday. Really, it's gonna be shown so frequently that you can't possibly miss it!
Unless you happen not to be a MaiTV subscriber, that is.
So there: for the very few that do not want to - and for the many that would like to but cannot subscribe due to geographical limitations, like yours truly.
Our very own Shark Man in action!
Stan has come back from Vanuatu where having already bagged all of Fiji's journo awards, he has now repeated the feat Pacific-wide and barely missed becoming the president of the Pacific media association. And guess what: his last Shark feature was among the productions that contributed to that success!
It is indeed a remarkable piece and viewers have requested it time after time again, to the point that it has been successfully syndicated to New Zealand and California where there are large Fijian communities. Papa even had a relative call him from the Los Angeles whilst the show was running!
In case you don't know what I'm talking about and have missed it the first time around: first episode below, all others right here.
Good on ya guys. We could use your efforts x100 from the commercial shark diving world.
Imagine what the media world for sharks would look like in a year from now.
indeed, imagine - less chitchat and infighting, more action!
Well, as a start, it's out there for everybody to grab it and put it on their websites.
Hey i saw the show tonite - good stuff :)
Glad you liked it!
Can't wait to see the final version myself!
And to post it here, last the last 1!
Am waiting to see it too.....
By the way.... it was an honor to meet, work and dive with FIJI's own SHARK MAN.
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