Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Jon - one helluva Birthday Cake!

Just got this from Jon McKenzie.

Hey Mike!
Hope all is well in Fiji! Thought I'd share a picture of the birthday cake my mom had made for me this year. She usually makes them and would have had more fun with the design but shes a thousand miles away so she outsourced it to Haydel's Bakery.
It was fantastic!!

So here's to Jon's birthday!
And to the excellent taste of his mum - and that of the cake!

John is one of the up- and coming lemon Shark guys.
His work on the Lemons in the Chandeleur Islands is extremely important. As far as I know, the islands are the only known nursery of this species apart from Doc's Bimini and some locations in Brazil, and may thus be the Lemon Shark hot spot for the whole of the Gulf of Mexico. Incidentally, having asked about the effects of the spill, I was very relieved to hear that everything there seemed to be OK and that the animals were plentiful and looked healthy.

Talking of Lemons, remember that paper?
Jon and Juerg have recently teamed up to write a critique, and the original authors have published a riposte - yes that would be a fencing term and it is exactly what has happened, not so much in the abstracts but in the full comments!
Very funny when done by researchers and thus wrapped in erudition and technical lingo!

More about it shortly!

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