Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Galoa Village: Plastic Repurposing Workshops!


Well, what can I say.
Officially, this is being presented as a spinoff of our stellar My Fiji Shark initiative - but in reality, all the spinning has led way, way off course - to the point that this really got nothing to anymore do with Sharks and marine conservation, let alone Shark adoptions like originally envisioned. 
And yes, it is what it is - and I can certainly leave it at that!
This is now strictly a standalone project by the UNDP, SPTO and local artiste and serial waste-to-art workshop supremo Warwick Marlow where BAD and MFS play no role and also get zero benefit - but as long as this is not just an exercise in BS, and the women from our partner village Galoa are happy and get to earn an extra buck, that's perfectly fine with us!

And My Fiji Shark?
Going strong as ever, and then some! 
And as chance would have it, we're about to celebrate our one-year anniversary - and Tashi Blue has decided that this momentous occasion warrants some special celebratory offers!
So keep your eyes peeled on the MFS website and above all, on the MFS Facebook page where some announcements are forthcoming!

And most importantly.
Please, Adopt Your Shark Now!
Thank you!

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