Friday, November 27, 2009

Well done Maggie!

Wansolwara anybody?

It took me a while to figure out that this is a combined word, in PNG Pidgin, for One Salt Water, meaning the Ocean that connects and unites the Pasifika. It's the training publication of the Journalism Degree and Diploma Programme of the University of the South Pacific, or USP.

I found the following article by pure chance when an employee of Bulaccino, the home of the world's best lime cheesecake, came over to thank me for my advocacy of Shark conservation. He's a member of Taveuni's chiefly clan who regard the Shark God Dakuwaqa as a long lost relative and who to this day revere and protect Sharks as a consequence.
Small world!

Renown FijiTV reporter and USP Journalism student Maggie Boyle has authored a well researched and timely pro-Shark piece for which she needs to be commended.
Please click on pictures to read.

Vinaka Maggie!

PS Patric of Underwater Thrills, bless him, has just unearthed the web-based version of this article


MB said...

Hi Mike,

Thanks for the thumbs up and the team at Wansolwara appreciate being apart of a change for the better... I have to say this was a team effort and would not have been possible without our ideas man and head of the department, Shaliendra Singh, and of course the co-authors of the piece, Kalpana & Rachna Lal. The most appreciation and do keep on keeping on go to you Mike and your small group of activists, thankyou for highlighting the plight of these endangered species and continuing to lobby through the mangle of bureaucacy and global 'don't care'. Vinaka Vakalevu from the Wansolwara team.

Cheers, Maggie H.T.Boyle.

DaShark said...

Vinaka Maggie, very kind of you!

In the end, we're all in this together.

After all, Sharks are keystone species that are of utmost importance for the health of the reefs upon which depend the culture and the livelihood of the Pasifika.